


(知られざるアメリカン・ティーン・ガレージ・バンドを紹介するレジェンダリー・シリーズの最新作。今回はノース&サウス・カロライナ州の mid 60’s - early 70’s期の80曲を収録。このシリーズの他のタイトル同様にレア度はもちろん内容もしっかりとした作品ばかりで、編集者の豊富な知識に裏付けされたセレクションには脱帽させられる。バンド・フォトやバイオなど情報量たっぷりの24p ブックレット付き!Really Great!)

Track Listing
1. Sounds Unlimited - Cool One
2. The Eighteenth Edition - When You Love Someone
3. The Mod VI - Show Me How
4. The Misfits - The Magician
5. The Turks - Tell Me Now
6. The Opun Rodes - On Your String
7. The News - The Boy Who Smiles
8. Swingin Sensations - There Is A Girl
9. Gil Weaver - Do Like I Do
10. Gary & The Universals - The Fifth Dimension
11. Shirley Hughey - Pink And Green
12. The Huns - You Know
13. The Sembels - Don't Leave Me
14. The Shadows - She's Like That
15. The Rogues - St. John's Wood
16. Blu-Erebus - Plastic Year
17. The Monarks - Gonna Miss Me Girl
18. Steps Of Stone - Keep Away From Me
19. Sincerely Mindfield - I've Gotta Get
20. The Next Step - The Way I Feel
21. The Grifs - Catch A Ride
22. The Blades- Movin' Out
23. The Nurks - Another Rainbow
24. The Missin' Clues - Turn Out The Sun
25. Psychic Motion - Big Teaser
26. The Stepps - I've Got It Made

1. The Outcasts - Think
2. The Preludes - On My Lovin'
3. Pendelums - Tell Me
4. Inmates - Baby Come On
5. The Mod VI - It's Not The Same
6. Charles Brad Spencer (Swingin Mozacks) - Come On Love
7. Inexpensive Handmade Look - Ice Cream
8. Revolution - Revolt
9. Arrogance - An Estimation
10. The Blades - I'll Shead No Tear
11. The Jesters - Happy
12. The Revised Edition - Thoughts
13. August - August 14. The Ron-De-Voos - Trip So Wild
15. The Scribes - Just Last Night
16. VI Pak - Love My Babe
17. The Rogues - Cherry
18. The Speckulations - Hulu Hoop
19. The Wyld - If I Had It
20. The Electric Love - She Wants To Be Free
21. Clear Blue Sky - Morning Of Creation
22. Craig & The Ethics - Sylvia
23. The Blazers - The Touch Of Your Hand
24. Mike & The Dimensions - Why
25. The Kaks - (Leave It) In The Hands Of
26. The Huckleberry Mudflap - Goodnight Mrs. Kollendoffer (Wherever You Are
27. The Gräf - Too Many Tears

1. The Si-dells - Watch Out Mother
2. The Victors - Come On
3. Tymes Syndicate - An Uphill Climb
4. The Fabulous Spectaculars - Boo-Da-Rac-Ka
5. The Marke V - Pay
6. The Male - You're Playing With Fire
7. The Universals - In Your Heart
8. The Penetrations - I Got A Girl
9. Gary & The Eastmen - I Love You
10. New Generation - That's The Sun
11. The Bearings - I Can't Take It
12. Black Rain - Comic Books
13. New Generation - Sunflower Annie
14. The Fabulous Wunz - If I Cry
15. Gary Collins & The Variations - Whatca Gonna Do?
16. Teen-Beets - I Guess That's Why You're Mine
17. The Invaders - (You Really) Tear Me Up
18. The Madhatters - Who's That Girl
19. The Abbrev's- True Fine Lovin'
20. The Knights Of The Road - The Color Of Dream
21. Chuck Martin - It's Too Late
22. The Young Ones - Too Much Lovin'
23. The Symbols - Give Me Time
24. Pauline Scribner & The Pepperment Triangle - What Can I Do
25. The Playthings - You Were Gone
26. Glas - Love Dreams

