
V/A - Blank Generation: A Story Of US/Canadian Punk & Its Aftershocks 1975-1981 (5CD) CRCDBOX147



1) Richard Hell & the Voidoids – Blank Generation
2) The Ramones – Rockaway Beach
3) Television – Friction
4) The Modern Lovers – Someone I Care About
5) The Heartbreakers – Chinese Rocks
6) The Dictators – Cars and Girls
7) The Dead Boys – Sonic Reducer
8) The Dogs – John Rock
9) The Brats – Be a Man
10) Crime – Hot Wire My Heart
11) Poly Styrene Jass Band – Drano In Your Veins
12) Pere Ubu – Final Solution
13) Killer Kane Band – Mr. Cool
14) Marbles – Red Lights
15) Sneakers – Condition Red
16) Blondie – Rip Her to Shreds
17) Suicide – Rocket USA
18) The Suicide Commandos – Match/ Mismatch
19) Patti Smith Group – Pissing In a River
20) Mirrors – Shirley
21) John Berenzy – Vice Verses
22) The Residents – Satisfaction

1) Devo – Come Back Jonee
2) Destroy all Monsters – Bored
3) The Avengers – We Are the One
4) The Twinkeyz – Aliens In Our Midst
5) The Mumps – Crocodile Tears
6) The Scruffs – My Mind
7) Tommy Hoehn – Blow Yourself Up
8) The Randoms – Let’s Get Rid of New York
9) The Dils – Mr. Big
10) Chris Stamey & the dB’s – (I Thought) You Wanted To Know
11) The Quick – Pretty Please
12) Cigarettes – Gimme Cigarette
13) electric eels – Cyclotron
14) Mars – 3E
15) Howard Werth – Obsolete
16) Pointed Sticks – What Do You Want Me To Do?
17) Shock – This Generation’s On Vacation
18) The Deadbeats – Let’s Shoot Maria
19) The Bags – Survive
20) The Human Switchboard – No
21) Curtiss A – I Don’t Wanna Be President
22) Alda Reserve – Cure Me
23) The Young Canadians – Hawaii
24) The Weirdos – We Got the Neutron Bomb
25) The Last – She Don’t Know Why I’m Here
26) Tom Verlaine – Breakin’ In My Heart
27) Pagans – Street Where Nobody Lives

1) The Dickies – Fan Mail
2) DMZ – Bad Attitude
3) The Germs – Lexicon Devil
4) The Cramps – TV Set
5) Really Red – Corporate Setting
6) The Swimming Pool Q’s – Rat Bait
7) Blow Up – Tell It to the Judge
8) Nervus Rex – Don’t Look
9) The Eyes – Topological Lies
10) Pylon – Cool
11) Zero Boys – I’m Bored
12) The Bizarros – Quiana Girls
13) Smart Alex – Chitter Chat
14) The Hits – All the Girls (Wanna Be In Gangs)
15) The Dishrags – I Don’t Love You
16) Black Randy & the Metro Squad – I Slept In an Arcade
17) Rhino 39 – Prolixin Stomp
18) Count Vertigo – I’m a Mutant
19) Testors – Time Is Mine
20) The Girls – Jeffrey I Hear You
21) The Urinals – I’m a Bug
22) Richard Lloyd – Blue and Grey
23) The Sleepers – Seventh World
24) The Stimulators – Loud Fast Rules
25) The Next – Cheap Rewards
26) Mission of Burma – Academy Fight Song
27) The Flyboys – Theme Song

1) Dow Jones & the Industrials – Can’t Stand the Midwest
2) The Haskels – Taking the City By Storm
3) Pure Hell – Noise Addiction
4) Suburban Lawns – Janitor
5) Non Compos Mentis – Ultimate Orgasm
6) The Method Actors – Do the Method
7) Modernettes – Barbra
8) The Bureaucrats – Feel the Pain
9) Bush Tetras – Snakes Crawl
10) Chrome – New Age
11) The Cosmopolitans – How To Keep Your Husband Happy
12) The Customs – Long Gone
13) Epicycle – You’re Not Gonna Get It
14) The Colors – Rave It Up
15) The Gizmos – Bible Belt Baby
16) The Demics – New York City
17) The Units – Work
18) The Suburbs – World War III
19) Chandra – Kate
20) The Suspects – Talking Loud
21) The Feelies – Raised Eyebrows
22) The Bongos – Telephoto Lens
23) Martin Rev – Mari
24) The Embarrassment – Sex Drive
25) The Necessaries – Detroit Tonight
26) MX-80 Sound – Someday You’ll Be King

1) Polyrock – Romantic Me
2) The Unknowns – Dream Sequence (September 1981)
3) Pell Mell – Spy Vs. Spy (Sept. ‘81)
4) Lyres – Buried Alive
5) Justin Trouble – Ponytail
6) The Speedies – Time
7)) The Anemic Boyfriends – Fake I.D. (August 1981)
8) The Gun Club – She’s Like Heroin To Me
9) The Slickee Boys – Here To Stay (January 1981)
10) Salvation Army – Mind Gardens
11) New Math – They Walk Among You
12) The Jetsons – Genetically Stupid
13) The Dream Syndicate – When You Smile (EP Version)
14) Oil Tasters – That’s When the Brick Goes Through the Window (August 1981)
15) Redd Kross – Clorox Girls
16) Middle Class – Last Touch
17) Wall of Voodoo – Call Box 1-2-3
18) Chiefs – Blues
19) X – White Girl
20) Crash Course In Science – Cardboard Lamb
21) Adolescents – Amoeba
22) Flesh Eaters – Version Nation
23) The Replacements – I’m In Trouble
24) Sport of Kings – This City In Darkness
25) Get Smart! – This Is Style
26) Dead Kennedys – Holiday In Cambodia
27) Romeo Void – Not Safe
28) Minor Threat – Minor Threat
